Every 3rd Thursday - 12pm ET

Artisan Monthly

This is a chance to hear first-hand the plans, progress, and new developments from the Castiron team.

What to expect from our Artisan Monthly Q&As

This is a webinar for Artisans to come and ask all your questions about Castiron!
Plus, we will be sharing upcoming releases, events and other fun stuff!

Next one is May 9th at 12p ET
always at 12 PM ET

Hosted by Mark

Mark Josephson
CEO + Founder, Castiron

Your sustainable baking business awaits.

Beat Baker Burnout in 2024

Set Yourself Up for Success
Learn how to use the right tools and systems to streamline your workflow. Do more in less time.

Love What You Do
More baking, less admin work. Learn how saying "no" and prioritizing you can actually unlock business growth.