Email Marketing

Send professional emails with three clicks

Growing your business on Castiron has never been easier. Leverage our suite of email marketing templates to increase sales, acquire new customers, and retain your loyal customer base.

Mobile email application for delivering messages to your customers directly in the castiron mobile platform

Templates to simplify marketing

Choose from one of our ready-to-send email templates and start marketing to your customers in minutes.

Whether you’d like to announce that you’ve opened up your calendar for additional custom order bookings, amplify a product launch, or simply send your subscribers an update, there’s a template for you. 

Email templates that simplify marketing of your food from home business

The easiest email marketing ever

You can leave the design work to us. Our templates are fool-proof and let your brand shine with no coding or design expertise required.

Send your first email in just three clicks! Simply add your photos, customize your subject line and email body, and hit “send.”

Screenshot of The Cookie Project. A Home cooked cookie store managed with castiron

Build your dream with Castiron

Growing a food business doesn't have to be hard.
Make food you love, and let us help you with the rest.

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