Sell homemade cookies online

Building a website for your cookie business is easy with Castiron. Create a custom order form or add instant checkout products to your store, accept payments, keep track of customer details, run your email marketing, and more with our food business management tools.

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Can I Sell Cookies From My Home?

If you're looking for a great way to supplement your family's income, you may want to discover how to sell cookies online. There are different and successful ways on how to sell cookies from home. For example, you can simply advertise your cookies for sale online, then deliver them to the community. A great way to promote this business plan may include how to sell cookies on Instagram and how to sell cookies on Facebook.

Selling cookies for profit is legal on both these platforms, but you must follow all your state's food safety regulations and the platform's marketplace rules that may include obtaining the proper business permit, food service licenses, and food safety training to protect both the public and the company from legal actions.

The answer to the question, "Can I sell cookies from my home?" is yes, you can! Each state will have guidelines for setting up a home kitchen to sell baked goods, Some limitations include the exclusion of baked goods with custard, cream, or meat fillings.

Some great home baking business ideas include how to sell cookies to stores right in your community. Make sure you have cookie recipes that stand out from store-bought cookies. For instance, you can advertise your all-natural or organic recipe. While you're there, peruse the aisles to get ideas on pricing homemade cookies to sell

Next, speak with owners of local coffee shops, restaurants, caterers, and supermarkets. These venues may offer the easiest ways for selling baked foods to the public.

Do You Need a License to Sell Baked Goods From Home?

Many people wonder, do I need a license to sell homemade food? In most states, yes - you will have to apply for a business permit or license that is related to sell homemade cookies to the public. A permit to sell food from home or a cottage food license will include testing your knowledge of food handling and safe storage. You may also need to register your operations as a business to charge sales tax.

Here are some commonly asked questions and answers for - Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home?

Learn more about how to get a permit to sell food from home by reviewing your state's cottage food license requirements and the process for acquiring a business license or vendor's permit to legally sell homemade cookies.

Best Baked Goods to Sell From Home

In addition to cookies, explore what are the best baked goods to sell from home and possibly online. The top selling baked goods from home include:

It is easy to learn how to sell baked goods online. There are apps geared towards home-based cooks that allow for international sales such as selling baked goods from home UK or selling baked goods from home Ontario 2020. These apps make it easy to handle the business side of how to start selling baked goods from home.

How to make money selling baked goods from home may start by passing out samples in the community. You may also want to consider creating a signature cookie that is unique and delicious. Don't forget to hand out your business cards and consider networking with other at-home chefs that are successfully selling baked goods from home.

Open a niche market that is not being addressed by other bakeries such as selling baked goods at a farmers market Ontario. With the right mindset and a good business plan, you only need to complete a few requirements such as a public health or kitchen inspection, a business license, and a permit to sell your baked cookies from home.

Additional Resources

Can I Sell Baked Goods From My Home? | Can I Sell My Homemade Pickles? | Can You Sell Homemade Food On Facebook? | Do I Need Insurance to Sell Baked Goods From Home? | What Can I Make and Sell From Home? | What Is Required to Be On a Food Label? | What Sells Best at Farmers' Markets?

Supplement your income — or start a full-time gig — with a home-based cookie business. Get the answers to your preliminary cookie selling questions here.

Heather Brookshire

The Cake Whisperer


My business would not be the same without my Castiron website! It is an easy setup with lots of customization and tons of support! I am so glad I set up my shop last year before the holidays — it really helped increase my sales!

Amanda McMonigle

The Whimsical Cookie


Castiron provides me a professional site to my customers increasing my credibility and value while giving me the tools to effectively market and manage my business in an easy, user-friendly manner.

Kim Sims

Wesley's Treats Hallie's Sweets


Castiron has made my cottage bakery shine, and my business easy to manage. As a platform they care about my business as much as I do.

Katie Maschoff

Mill City Cooking Company


Before Castiron, I was taking orders really manually, through emails or texts or Facebook. Now I can send customers straight to my website, and I don’t have to worry about missing any details.

Daniella Smith

Oso Good Clean Eats


I couldn't run my business without the Castiron platform. It made it so easy to get my shop up and running — it truly removed a massive barrier to me getting started!

Ali Serpe

Kultured Kombucha


I realized that the barrier of having to DM or text me to order was holding a lot of potential customers back.

Now that I have a professional website and a simple ecommerce checkout, I'm seeing a huge increase in new customers and they appreciate how easy Castiron makes ordering.

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Easy to start, created specifically for local, handmade food: Castiron’s website builder was created to help you grow. Create a website in minutes with our templates, sell where and how your customers want to buy, and look professional without being technical. Keep customers coming back with email marketing tools, customer records, and more.

The Best Fit for Your Food Business

Food entrepreneurs, this is your moment. Your community is more and more conscious about what they buy and where it is from. They want food made with love. With ingredients they can pronounce. And they want to support their community while doing it.

Castiron is the best fit for your food business because we're not a one-size-fits-all tool. Selling local food is different from pre-packaged warehouse products. Whether you sell cooking classes, need local pick up, utilize pre-sales to plan inventory, or need a fully custom order form — we got you.

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